ASHE North-Central NJ Section and ASCE North Jersey Branch Present:
Missing Moves: Making Connections to Alleviate Congestion
Thursday, January 9, 2025
at the Sheraton Parsippany Hotel
Presented by:
Kirt Ladwa, PE
Senior Associate and Deputy Department Manager at Dewberry
The NJDOT’s evaluation of the Route 295/42/I-76 Interchange identified several operational deficiencies, including the lack of direct connection between Routes 295 and 42. As a result, motorists wanting to make these movements had to travel into the interchange and utilize the local roadway network, increasing congestion on what is already one of the largest and most congested roadways in southern NJ. The $180 million Route 295/42, Missing Moves, Bellmawr Project eliminated this deficiency by constructing ramps linking Route 295 with Route 42, enhancing traffic flow within the adjacent Interchange, improving safety, and alleviating traffic congestion on the local roads. The presentation will highlight the contribution of multiple technical disciplines which addressed the challenges encountered in the design and construction of two new ramps, each exceeding a half-mile in length, within an urban and environmentally constrained site.
This program is pending approval for 1 PDH
Thursday, January 9, 2025
5:30pm Social Hour, 6:30PM Dinner followed by the presentation
Sheraton Parsippany Hotel, 199 Smith Road, Parsippany-Troy Hills, NJ 07054
$95 ASCE & ASHE Members
$70 Government Employees
$115 Non-Member
$40 Students with Current College ID
You may pay online with credit card or you may opt to pay by check.
Make checks payable to "ASCE North Jersey Branch" and bring to the event or mail in advance to:
Rob Rogoff - ASCE NJB Treasurer
9 Entin Road, Suite 202
Parsippany, NJ 07054