The North Jersey Chapter of the Structural Engineering Institute Presents a Half-Day Seminar featuring three great presentations!
Presentation 1: Designing Concrete with Recycled Aggregates
Speaker: Mr. Matthew Adams, PhD, FACI, Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology
Creating concrete mixtures using recycled aggregates is difficult given that very little guidance is provided on mix design and concrete properties. The presentation will provide state of the art information on how recycled aggregates impact concrete properties, and how to properly specify concrete with recycled aggregates.
Presentation 2: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Drawing Notes
Speaker: Mr. Matthew Kawczenski, PE, SE, F.SEI, Pennsylvania Regional Director, McLaren Engineering Group
All contract documents have notes to convey information; however, not all notes are created equal. This presentation will review general note requirements of the IBC and AISC, and will provide tips on general notes. It will focus on design note examples and review their impact on a project.
Presentation 3: Sustainable Infrastructure Guidelines
Speaker: Mr. Rajendra Navalurkar, PhD, PE, Vice-President, Parsons, Infrastructure-Bridges, New York City, NY
Sustainable infrastructure facilities, particularly highway bridges, require optimal use of all resources. The presentation will discuss the process of a durable and sustainable bridge design starting with formulation, determination of service life, materials considerations, and maintenance strategies. Sustainability rating systems will be discussed briefly.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Registration and lunch from 12:30 to 1:30 pm with presentations to follow
Doubletree by Hilton, Fairfield Hotel & Suites, 690 Route 46 East, Fairfield, NJ 07004 (formerly Crowne Plaza)
$90 for ASCE members/ $100 for nonmembers/ $80 Government Employees/ $50 for students with ID
Make checks payable to ASCE North Jersey Branch
Please RSVP by April 15 by registering online
This program is under review for 3 PDHs.